
long video - Tokyo & student protests

Beginning students of Japanese may benefit by seeing 1 minute of the 1 hour 54 minute video recording in order to show young people standing up to the recent central government law about government secrecy.

Intermediate students may benefit by seeing selected points in the movie to learn vocabulary or to reflect upon social conditions these days.

Advanced students may benefit from the unfiltered, natural Japanese of this context recorded "in the wild."

Here is an excerpt from the blog article where the video appears:

 After Prime Minister Shinzō Abe proposed the State Secrecy Act in 2013, anti-nuclear activists and legal and media scholars were outraged, viewing the law as a serious attack on press freedoms and government transparency.  In response, there were intermittent protests, usually as part of the anti-nuclear demonstrations through which the Students Against the Secret Protection Law (SASPL) generated both large numbers in their demonstrations and media attention in their effort to block its passage.

Direct link to video, 1:54, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udN0s4ITAPo

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