
high school summer Japanese support

annual program via Youth For Understanding:

spreading the word to students about opportunities to apply for the 2016 Youth for Understanding
scholarships to study in Japan this summer.

 Links to the scholarships are below. Note the first two on this list
 require a $3,000 contribution towards tuition but the Kikkoman Scholarships
 are full scholarships (student pays Visa fees and needs personal spending
 money). There are 3 Kikkoman National full scholarships and 14 Kikkoman
 FCCLA full scholarships (students must be dues-paying members of Family
 Careers and Community Leaders of America).

 Please let me know if I can provide any additional materials for you or
 your organization. We do have brochures, posters, flyers, etc. and I am
 happy to have them sent to you. Please let me know if you are interested. I
 would greatly appreciate any thoughts you may have on how to recruit high
 school students of Japanese for these scholarships.

 Japan-America Friendship Scholarship ($3K contribution by student)

 Japan-US Senate Youth Exchange ($3K contribution by student)

 Kikkoman National Scholarship - Full Ride (3 in total)

 Kikkoman FCCLA - 14 full ride scholarships for members of FCCLA

Field Director - Illinois
 Youth For Understanding USA
 (p) 815.274.5253 (f) 989.777.3270 | yfuusa.org

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