
basic word list (translated from "Basic English," 1932 Ch. Ogden)

English term on the right, Japanese (machine translation/literal translation) on the left.


current edition of BREEZE

(via the Jps language center in Los Angeles)


more vocabulary online

standard vocab lists (Matsukaze Nihongo Annai) http://www.matsu-kaze.net/
It has very comprehensive lists on a wide variety of topics.


color vocabulary (online list)



Japan video (audio slideshows)

Tour of Nara, http://nextvista.org/tour_of_Nara

The video player webpage also lists 5-6 other videos, including Nagasaki and Omura.

(in English)


vocabulary activities

http://members.shaw.ca/funwithwordsinjapanese/ [samples online from the CD-rom source]

...This resource is a supplementary resource using many of the vocabulary topics covered in beginner-level textbooks, [so] it can complement whatever program you use in your class... The CD-Rom includes both English and Japanese explanations as well as handouts to go with the activities (about 280 pages per language if you print everything out).
List of the 65 activities included

A. Numbers / Time
Numbers Game, Number Pictures, Sudoku / Kanadoku, Guess the
Number, Dominoes, Vocabulary Bingo, Time, Calendar Game, Date Game

B. Myself / Daily Life
Profile, Schedule, My Day, Daily
Life Game, Survey, Interview Bingo, Family Feud Game, Family Game, Character
Chart, Pay Day Game, Face Game, Fashion, Fortune Teller, Omikuji, Horoscope,
Psychology Game

C. School / My Neighbourhood
Interior Design, My Town, Create a
Town, Labels, My Bag, Memory Game, Class Item Game, Treasure Hunt, I Spy...,
Schools, Please Stand Up

D. Shopping / Dining
Price is Right Game, Collections,
Present Game, Refrigerator, Restaurant

E. Travel & Others
Suitcase, Travel Schedules, Pamphlets, Planning, Professions
Game, Health Check, Animals, Writing Comics, Reading Manga

F. Activities Using Various Vocabulary
Category Game, Shiritori Game, Transformation Game, Kana
Race, Rensou Game, Puzzles, Scrabble, Tic Tac Toe, Board Game, Guinness Game,
Trivia Game, Graphic Organizers, Dictionary, Let's Read!, Songs


bento artful lunches

"kyara-BEN" (pun on Caravan? + BENto box)