
Teaching Japan with Children’s Literature

This may be of use when adapted for young people learning Japanese language, although it is intended for English language readers.
However, with the "5 C's" it is possible to engage with Culture in many modes (audio visual, classroom visitor, photo essays, and even Children's Stories that are not in the target language).

The Program for Teaching East Asia at the University of Colorado announces new online curriculum free to educators.

The Texts and Contexts: Teaching Japan through Children's Literature online curriculum is a collection of teacher-developed, standards-based, cross-curricular K-6 lessons. Each lesson features an authentic children's literature book on an aspect of Japanese culture and includes all required handouts and visuals (including PowerPoints and/or video). 

All lessons are aligned with National Standards for Reading and Writing, Civics, Geography, History, and/or Visual Arts.

The lessons are available at: www.colorado.edu/cas/tea/curriculum/texts-and-contexts/