online news story,
[EXCERPT] It was back in 2005, the year that podcasts started to take off, when Peter Galante, a Ph.D. student studying economics at Tokyo's Hitotsubashi University, decided to launch Japanesepod101.
...For those interested in something less structured バイリンガルニュース (bairingaru nyūsu, Bilingual News) is a great option. The show, ranking No. 1 in iTunes charts in Japan, is created and hosted by close friends Mami and Michael (who keep their surnames a secret). They touch on a host of topics ranging from 哲学 (tetsugaku, philosophy) to 宗教 (shūkyō, religion). Whether it be 国家機密 (kokka kimitsu, state secrets), 人工知能 (jinkō chinō, artificial intelligence) or セックスロボ (sekkusu robo, sex robots), nothing's considered taboo.
Other Podcasts
Easier than Bilingual News in terms of content and much shorter in length, but without any English, News in Slow Japanese has Sakura reading one news item a week in Japanese, first slowly, then at regular speed. If casual, 気楽 (kiraku, carefree) conversations are more your thing, you should maybe give Learn Japanese Pod a try. For beginners, NHK World's やさしい日本語 (Yasashii Nihongo, "Easy Japanese"), which is in an audio drama style centering on an international student from Thailand, is a good option. [cf. online reading with furigana added, news web easyは、小学生・中学生の皆さんや、日本に住んでいる外国人のみなさんに、わかりやすいことば でニュースを ... |
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