
popular songs to teach beginning high school students

--- thanks to M. Homan:
"Yosaku" 与作 is a good one for students. Each single line or two lines is a full sentence (but in informal/plain form) with basic grammatical structure. The song is sung slowly enough, with echo lines "hei, hei, ho" and "ton. ton, ton" in between each line of the verse, that it's easy to think ahead to the next line.


Many Japanese think "Yosaku" is a traditional folk song. It is not. It came out in the late 1970s, written by Nanasawa Kiminori 七沢公典 with the most popular version being the one by Kitajima Saburo 北島三郎.

--- thanks to Elena Yoo:

an old song, but contemporary enough, I think. The song includes lots of good vocabulary words and grammar rules, too. My students won't stop singing...     http://youtu.be/C35DrtPlUbc

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