
online Japanese language learning; Katakana idea

via Senseionline 18 June 2010:
...for people who would like to learn Japanese and aren't conveniently located by an institution or
a friend that will teach it to them, this might be just the information they were looking for:

*UAB NihongoCast,* http://www.uab.edu/foreignlang/nihongocast/, the online version of Japanese 101 at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, a joint production of the UAB Departments of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Communication Studies, and Theatre, taught by Tim Cook of Georgia Public Broadcasting's *Irasshai.*

=-=-= earlier in 2010 via Charles Kelly [authentic Katakana practice],
...read titles of English programs in the TV guide... These movie titles have dropped the "the" and "a" in the katakana. http://www.manythings.org/flvb/movies1.html

On the other hand, these movie titles have katakana is almost exactly the same as in English. http://www.manythings.org/flvb/movies2.html