
Copyright-free Audio-Visual Resource Center (since 1998)

...digitized videos and (680) still pictures ...for class use and developing your own teaching materials

E.Asian Languages & Literatures of Washington and Lee Univ.

http://home.wlu.edu/~ujiek/slide.html or contact Ken Ujie, ujiek@wluDOT edu

Videos currently online:

A: For teaching grammar: Home-made movies

1. Basic Verbs (15')

2. X (place) ni Y (thing/person) ga arimasu/imasu (15')

3. Time ni X (action) o shimasu (15')

4. Permissive Causative (10')

5. Expression of Time (Tokoro)(10')

B: For teaching grammar:Video Clips from Tokyo Shoseki's

"Video-Cued Structural Drills:" No.8-No.12) (30')

C: For practicing Katakana reading (1 hour)

D: For teaching Japanese culture:Video Clips from Tokyo Shoseki's "Safe and Sound in Japan" (Lessons 1 & 9) both in Japanese and English (30')

E: Verbs for "Nakama" (20 minutes)

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