
youth fashions in Tokyo - new book

Philomena Keet... is researching Tokyo street fashion

'The Tokyo Look Book' (2007, Kodansha Int'l)

... for a general audience and features photos on every page

...the text gives background and cultural insights to the fashions and the people who wear them


www.tokyolookbook.com has sample pictures and a Tokyo fashions blog

Copyright-free Audio-Visual Resource Center (since 1998)

...digitized videos and (680) still pictures ...for class use and developing your own teaching materials

E.Asian Languages & Literatures of Washington and Lee Univ.

http://home.wlu.edu/~ujiek/slide.html or contact Ken Ujie, ujiek@wluDOT edu

Videos currently online:

A: For teaching grammar: Home-made movies

1. Basic Verbs (15')

2. X (place) ni Y (thing/person) ga arimasu/imasu (15')

3. Time ni X (action) o shimasu (15')

4. Permissive Causative (10')

5. Expression of Time (Tokoro)(10')

B: For teaching grammar:Video Clips from Tokyo Shoseki's

"Video-Cued Structural Drills:" No.8-No.12) (30')

C: For practicing Katakana reading (1 hour)

D: For teaching Japanese culture:Video Clips from Tokyo Shoseki's "Safe and Sound in Japan" (Lessons 1 & 9) both in Japanese and English (30')

E: Verbs for "Nakama" (20 minutes)


Buddhist temples today; in the past, ALSO about "7-5-3"

All about "shichi go san" (November holiday),  www.nihongomemo.com/nenchugyoji/753.htm
Fumiko Tachibana natto_hime@yahoo dotcom[Dec 16, 2006]
...many of them working very actively for the people. For instance, at Hasedera Temple Nara which we visited in June (http://www.hasedera.or.jp/),  the priests were actually having a meeting in the omido not minding visitors and tourists. I thought it was very healthy and great.
...Japanese Buddhist temple called Chofukuji in Nagano... seems a good example of living temple.
great for the introduction of Japanese culture [Buddhist quotes]
www.umich.edu/~wittevee/draft/mandala is a set of freeze frames taken (with permission for educational use) from the recently released DVD-rom, "Preaching from Pictures." The 48 images are given as a Web Album with captions. The same images & captions are also linked as a Quicktime slideshow (movie) so you can present it to students.

audio postcards (1-minute, in English) ALSO restaurant names

9000 Japanese restaurants in the U.S. in 2005.
"Tokyo" is the most common Japanese restaurant name, and the list continues in the following order (top 28 names):
Shogun; Sakura; Ichiban; Kyoto; Fuji; Edo; Osaka; Benihana; Sakkio Japan; Kobe; Little Tokyo; Hana; Hibachi; Fujiyama; Kanpai; Samurai; Sarku Japan; Ginza; Sapporo; Yoshi; Yokohama; Kabuki; Miyako; Mikado; Arigato; Asahi; and Midori.
--"Masato Yabe" masyabe@hotmail [Nov 25, 2006]
one-minute audio postcards from (East) Asia, produced at U.Kansas' Center for East Asia Studies
JAPAN TOPICS [as of  12/2006]
1    The Ginza
4    Hip-Hop Music
6    The Japanese Culture of Rain
7    The Ramen Noodle Museum
12    The GPS Backpack
17    Smell-o-Vision in Japanese Cinemas
22    Whaling
32    Tojo's Granddaughter
33    Company Songs Make a Comeback
39    National Language on TV
40    Gateball
42    High-Tech Hammocks
44    Potty Training and WWII
52    Isshinji Temple
54    Pregnant Women Commuters
50    J-Pop vs. K-Pop

teaching Japanese to youngest learners

when I teach kids grade 3 -6
http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/say.html  (Nihongo)
http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/culture.html (bunka)

Nipponia [magazine], http://web-japan.org/nipponia/archives/en/
Japan Video Topics, http://web-japan.org/jvt/
Japan Links, http://web-japan.org/links/

Nickelodeon Japan, http://www.nickjapan.com
for vocabulary and reading-comprehension skills

Japanese language and life in film & TV News online

...buying E. Asia films (English subtitles): www.yesasia.com
... another is www.ebay.com
a DVD from Japan may have Region 2 coding, while those from Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan may have Region 3
cf. Region 1 (N. America), no region coding (Region 0)
VLC works around region codes, www.videolan.org/vlc/

films with lots of interpersonal engagements and dialogue:
<> Hesokuri shacho (1956-), www.imdb.com/title/tt0298363/
comedy series about a company president.
<> Tsuri baka nisshi (1988-), www.imdb.com/title/tt0203174/
comedy series about a salaryman who loves to go fishing.
<> "The Milkwoman" was also pretty good. Sort of a love story set in a suburban city between a woman who delivers milk and works at a supermarket, and a man who works in the city hall.

"Ushida Eiko" eikoushida@hotmail [Sep 19, 2007]
...watching Japanese news ...News-TBS is best because they can watch the news while reading the article at the same time: http://news.tbs.co.jp/
see also: Fuji Network News: fnn news briefs at www.fnn-news.com


teaching intonation and (pitch) accent

society & culture, including school uniforms

wiki-books for language/society of Japan




Drag and drop the prefectures in Japan, www.mapmsg.com/games/statetris/japan/

School uniforms [sent by Rie Tsuboi]

...these sites are fun and useful when you talk about school uniforms in Japan.

Recent history, http://ozaki.jp/archives/wear.html?r=l

and http://www.tombow.gr.jp/school/05_knowledge/01_style.html

Articles, http://www.excite.co.jp/News/bit/00091138470971.html

and http://www.sankei.co.jp/seikatsu/seikatsu/070207/skt070207000.htm

as well as http://event.kids.yahoo.co.jp/fashion2007/game/index.html

Students can learn colors, body parts, clothes items, etc.

[sent by Fumiko Tachibana]

video clip for "kemari" at http://takraw.hp.infoseek.co.jp/kemari/kemari.MPG

[from Shunko Muroya]

selected news items

[12/2006 selected news items, Maki Watanabe Isoyama, The Japan Foundation L. A.]


Statistics (1) - Life of elementary & middle school teachers in Japan

Article: http://hochi.yomiuri.co.jp/topics/news/20061124-OHT1T00181.htm  (Sports Hochi)


Statistics (2) - Life of business men in Japan

Article: http://www.nikkansports.com/general/f-gn-tp0-20061126-122153.html (Nikkan Sports)

           http://www.zakzak.co.jp/top/2006_11/t2006112735.html (Zak Zak)


Statistics (3) - We are all tired...

Article: http://www.zakzak.co.jp/top/2006_11/t2006112428.html (ZakZak)


Top 10 products of the year

Article:  http://www.nikkansports.com/general/f-gn-tp0-20061128-123034.html (Nikkan Sports)

Website: http://www.dentsu.co.jp/news/release/2006/pdf/2006088-1128.pdf (Dentsu)


Adult privilege

Article:  http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/komachi/life/pop/20061124ok04.htm?from=yoltop
(Yomiuri) I once bought a huge Christmas cake just for myself a couple of years ago.


Another place to visit in Japan

Article:  http://www.zakzak.co.jp/gei/2006_11/g2006112413.html (Zak Zak)

Website: http://www.kyotomm.com/


cultural awareness (homestay, Sumo); also, Webpage contest

Virtual Sumo - Cultural Awareness, www.thelearningfederation.edu.au/tlf2/showLO.asp?loID=1244


Homestay in Japan (tutorial includes inner vs. outer group), http://athome.nealrc.org/


2007 Japanese Web Page Contest Galleries, www.japanesewebpagecontest.com

animated grammar and writing; also all about Counters

Counters (group naming), English examples: www.dnr.state.mn.us/young_naturalists/namegame

Chinese is even more 'complicated' ('specific') with about 15-20 "whatchamacallits"
in Japanese vs about 100 frequently used counters common in Chinese.
Total: 500 possible and about 200 in frequent/common use.

see also for Japanese, www.sf.airnet.ne.jp/ts/language/number/ancient_japanesej.html

as well, http://www.trussel.com/jcount.htm


Animations that show stroke order: http://members.aol.com/writejapan/hiragana/writutor.htm

others: www.sabotenweb.com/bookmarks/language.html#kanji


Japanese grammar, shown in 66 flash animations at www.gwu.edu/~eall/vjg/vjghomepage/vjghome.htm


about kanji in the digital age

article about a survey conducted by Bunka-cho (Cultural Affairs Agency) about how Japanese people are coping with
kanji in the age of digital information.

Asahi, http://www.asahi.com/culture/update/0907/TKY200709070315.html


Japanese computing tips

via: "Shunko Muroya" shunko.muroya@gov.ab DOT ca


for the Japanese IME in Windows VISTA you don’t have to download anything.
It’s already there within your Vista: http://www.declan-software.com/japanese_ime/


see also “using Japanese on English computer” info and resources on the
“PC Tips” pages of “Nihongo Memo” website: http://www.nihongomemo.com/pctips.htm


Japanese language IME for Office 2007

Instructions: Office 2007 Japanese Language Pack
--assuming that you have Office 2007 installed already, go ahead and install the Japanese Language
Pack which is useful for its dictionary and grammar checking tool...

IME 2007 =Control Panel -> Regional and Language -> Languages tab -> Details -> Add button ->
Input Language: Japanese -> Keyboard layout/IME: Microsoft Office IME 2007

Install East Asian fonts if you haven't already from the Languages tab.
Hold Alt + Shift to swap between English and Japanese input mode.


100 common words in Japanese; Japan course materials (undergrads)

---most common words in Japanese?
Your First 100 Words in Japanese
Author: Jane Wightwick; McGraw-Hill Professional ISBN : 0844223964
1999 | 1st Edition | 80 pages , Softcover

Columbia University's Expanding East Asian Studies (ExEAS) website has
materials for teaching about East Asia at the undergraduate level.
http://www.exeas.org, Materials include suggested readings, classroom
activities, and resources for incorporating East Asia into courses in all
subjects in the humanities and social sciences, including world history,
world literature, politics, contemporary society, and philosophy.
There are also Teaching units, Sample syllabi, and Links to other
resources for teaching about East Asia.

state of Michigan's Department of Education, documents for Foreign Language Learning

From www.miwla.org for  your reference --- GPWitteveen (release date 1 September 2007)

The Michigan Department of Education has released two documents of interest to Michigan world language instructors:
World Languages Standards and Benchmarks  pdf icon, World Languages Credit/Experience Guidelines  pdf icon


4 character compounds, yoji jukugo

charles__kelly@hotmail. [com] May 18, 2007 Kanji Haitani has
given me permission to use his material in this quiz.



Quiz on Four-Character Idiomatic Compounds #1 (四字熟語)


Multiple-choice, Matching and Flashcards.
This includes the 400 that he has marked as "most commonly used."