
renting cellphones in Japan (short stays)

---Airport pickup is one option. These links may be helpful, too:

(1) SIM for 30 or 60 days, http://www.so-net.ne.jp/prepaid/en/index.html
(2) SIM for 7 days or 14 days, http://service.ocn.ne.jp/mobile/one/visitor/en/
(3) App for Free WiFi Search, http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html

comparing several companies in 2014 this one seems to have one of the most competitive prices:



Tables of Joyo Kanji; advice for study

Several web resources stumbled upon today:

Advises college students of various ways to learn to know kanji.

Tells the story of several writing systems of the world languages; this one is about Japanese

3a. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_j%C5%8Dy%C5%8D_kanji Prints out as PDF to 136 (set to no margins for tablet viewing)
3b. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Joyo_kanji_by_reading allows look-up according to reading