
language in time of war

interesting radio profile of Guy Gabaldon, who saved many lives in World War II with his knowledge of Japanese.



radio stories, Hello Kitty Gets ...

2008, Hello Kitty Gets a New Look in Japanese Vogue

2004, Hello Kitty: A Marketing Sensation Grows Up


countering the wartime de-humanizing process

Today on the radio this piece was broadcast; perhaps some US listeners to National Public Radio heard the visits to U.S. high school classrooms by former members of the WW II corps of kamikaze pilots (in conjuction with the documentary film's producer). The recorded segment can be heard online and may be of interest in a variety of classrooms or lecture topics, so I pass it along here.
--Guven Witteveen
Wings of Defeat: Kamikaze Stories, Told in Person

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blog of Old Japan photos (commercial catalogue, though)

Multilingual Photoblog of Old Photographs of Japan. Daily uploads of rare photographs and postcards of Japan between 1860 and the 1930's. ...displays photos from a private collection of many thousands of rare photographs and maps