
origami master links list

Spotted on EDTECH (www.h-net.org)
Copied for easy reference to http://japanlore.googlepages.com/origami


street fashion in Tokyo (book, blog, slideshow)

as seen on http://anthropologistabouttown.blogspot.com
...website run by an anthropology PhD student in London, Philomena Keet, http://tokyolookbook.com. Her research examines street fashion in Tokyo, and she has just published a book on the subject which is informed by some of her anthropological thinkings - 'The Tokyo Look Book'. Also on the website is a blog [http://web.mac.com/philomena/iWeb/TokyoLookBook%20/Blog/Blog.html] about her research and related events - sometimes there are late notice seminars she will be talking at for those of you who are interested in the subject. Another interview with Philomena is available online here, http://writerinterviews.blogspot.com/2007/12/philomena-keet.html


teen perspective on going to Japan

cross-posting from H-Japan by U.Mass East Asia librarian
...One of my non-Japan friends brought me a book that she enjoyed called _Japan Ai:
A Tall Girl's Adventures In Japan / by Aimee Major Steinberger. Go!Comi, 2007.
ISBN: 1933617837

Aimee is a manga artist and cosplay fanatic. She and her friends go to Japan so
that she can visit the VOLKS doll company. Aimee experiences most things that
young people experience when they go to Japan: maid cafes, Akihabara, cosplay,
internet cafes, Takarazuka ... The great thing is that she illustrates each
scene with short comments, so it really brings the experience to life.


advocating Japanese lessons

...Japan has the second largest economy in the world, Japan is a vital ally to America in the Pacific, Japan is the largest foreign influence on American youth culture right now. Remind parents that Japanese is an academic subject like algebra and when was the last time their kids begged and pleaded to be allowed to take algebra? Finally, remember that you will lose at least as many battles as you win, don't lose heart, just learn from the experience.
----- J. Guthrie on 2008-02-13 senseionline


Podcast Itunes: searching for 'Gwyn' and 'Japanese'

gmcclell@xavier.vic. (edu DotAU), Gwyn McClelland
Please consider contributing, or sending any topics to cover.
Seeking people for online interviews (through Skype), too:
--experiences they have had in Japan, or simply
--about their hometowns


examples of articles, Japanfocus.org

hotlinks to 3-5 page essays in English from http://japanfocus.org may be of use to students (assignments; reactions or presentations) and teachers (background material & illustrations) of Japanese.
Wada Haruki, The Comfort Women Issue, the Asian Women's Fund and the Digital Museum

Heonik Kwon, The Ghosts of the American War in Vietnam

Nakazawa Keiji, Barefoot Gen, the Atomic Bomb and I: The Hiroshima Legacy

Mel Gurtov, Reconciling Japan and China